
Posts Tagged ‘wisdom’

Quite often in my readings I find quotes used to punch a point home. But sometimes, if I just look at the quote in terms of my own situation, it raises more questions than answers. But, I suppose that is the point, right? That if I just take the quote at face value, I’m missing the deeper potential.

Here are three quotes I found in the book, Ladder: Climbing Out of a Slump, published by Obstacles Press

“When you come to the edge of all that you know,

you must believe one of who things:

either there will be ground to stand on,

or you will be given wings to fly.”

-O.R. Melling, The Summer King



What do I know?

What is the edge of my knowledge?

Is the obstacle to more knowledge a small creek blocking my way, or do I need to build a bridge to reach the other side?

What kinds of knowledge keeps my feet on the ground? How can I grow the wings to fly?

”It possesses possibilities–both towards danger and success.”

-Winston Churchill

 stop and ask for directions

What possesses possibilities? Ideas? Actions? Lack of one or the other? Or both?

Is danger different from success, or is it just that a danger needs to be overcome in order to reach success?

Can danger and success co-exist or should they be mutually exclusive?

“Wash on Monday,

Iron on Tuesday,

Mend on Wednesday,

Churn on Thursday.

Clean on Friday,

Bake on Saturday,

Rest on Sunday.”

-Laura Ingalls Wilder,

Little House in the Big Woods


What happened to this simplicity? Was it radio, T.V. or public schooling that took this away?

When was the last time I mended my clothing?

Churning? I know she’s churning milk into butter on Thursdays. When I read churning, I feel the churning of nerves, expectations, and hopes in my stomach. It’s not always pleasant.

Rest on Sunday? Yes, please.

How different would the world be if we all rested, truly rested on Sunday? No restaurants, no shopping, no going into work. Instead, if we gathered with friends and family to share our skills and talents, to prepare a meal together, and talk, laugh and cry together. Yeah. What would that world look like?


There are more questions than answers in the world. All I need to remember is to ask the right questions.

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